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Jamaica Bay Taskforce Meeting

Dear Members and Stakeholders,

The Jamaica Bay Ecowatcher’s and the American Littoral Society will be hosting the Annual Spring Jamaica Bay Taskforce Meeting -via zoom on June  18th 2024 at 6:30pm. The waiting room for the general audience will open at 6:00 pm. Please see agenda and Zoom link info below: 

If you have any issues with logging in to the meeting that day please email

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6:20-6:30:  Meeting Waiting room will open –  
6:30-6:50:  Dan Mundy Sr JBEW and Don Riepe ALS - Meet & Greet: Acknowledgement of Elected Officials, Agencies, And Organizations Present   

6:50 to 7:05: Lisa Baron – Project Manager USACE- New York District Programs and  Project Management- Civil Works Branch—"Stony Creek Wetland Island Restoration Project.” 

7:05 to 7:20: Andrew Rella Technical Director Of Business Development. ECOncrete-presenting on The Staten Island Living Shoreline Project.

7:20 to 7:35: John McLaughlin- Managing Director NYC Environmental Protection Bureau of Environmental Planning & Analysis Office of Ecosystem Services, Green Infrastructure and Research presenting on DEP Ribbed Mussel Water Quality Improvement Project Update

7:35 to 7:50    Beryl Kahn CUNY Graduate Center and Baruch College.  Presenting on De-vegetated marshes may contribute reactive nitrogen to urban estuaries"

7:50 to 8:05   Boone Davis – President & CEO of Arthur Kill Terminal and  Eric Rothstein – Managing Partner of EDesign Dynamics presenting on  will be Proposed Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project at Black Bank Marsh

8:05 to 8:30:            Q and A session   

Co-chairs: Dan Mundy & Don Riepe

Later Event: June 23
Terrapin Stations