JBRPC is committed to the development of a diverse and skilled local workforce.
Develop a local workforce of young adults with the technical and leadership skills to maintain and manage high-value tidal wetlands and nature-based restoration projects
Use wetlands, one of the world’s most productive ecosystems, to foster critical, ecological thinking that informs adaptive management techniques for nature-based solutions
Integrate local stakeholder knowledge and community values to form a holistic understanding of conservation and restoration needs and potential solutions
Invest in communities most impacted by climate change, increasing their resilience through equitable opportunities for education and employment
Demonstrate the value of wetlands maintenance for long-term project success to drive additional investments and policy that creates and sustains these vital nature-based jobs
Jamaica Bay Wetlands Fellowship
6 month
long career development program
600 feet
natural breakwaters installed
6.5 tons
of trash removed
4 acres
or nearly 18,000 sq ft of invasive species cleared
The Jamaica Bay Wetlands Fellowship will train the next generation of wetland managers, building skills and defining a career path for young people within the diverse vibrant communities surrounding Jamaica Bay.